Weekly Digest – May 24, 2015

Must Read

Should Read

Blogs to Visit


Energy and Environment


Math and Science

Media Criticism

A Couple Things to End on a Positive Note

Positive #1:

My son’s nursery school has been working to create butterfly-friend spaces on the school lot.  Towards that end I ordered some prairie wildflower seedlings for them last December.  (You have to order ahead.)   The seedlings arrived last week just in time for our son’s monthly “parent help day”.  (On parent help day one or both parents comes to class to help out, read a story or two, and otherwise participate in class activities.)   On Thursday my wife and I accompanied him to school and all the kids had the opportunity to participate in planting seedlings.   The teachers brought kids up to the garden in small groups, my wife served as guide/docent, talking the kids through the idea behind the garden and how they’d be helping, and I served as plantsman.   We planted over three dozen seedlings.  Our son had the honor of planting the first one, a pale purple coneflower.  A good time was had by all.  The kids really enjoyed creating the garden and we both really enjoyed working with them.  (The kids also liked some of the fun flower names, e.g., Royal Catchfly and Button Blazing Star.)

Preparing to plant:


Planting according to plan (NB: A plan gives you something to deviate from.) :


The kids and teachers made signs to remind everyone to be careful around the garden:


After all the seedlings were planted:


He and I will be back regularly over the summer to water, pull weeds, etc.

Also, in addition to the ones for the school, I bought a set of seedlings for us to plant around our yard.  We planted a dozen yesterday.   I get started on the other twenty-six after I finish this post.

Positive #2: