Dave Epstein and NEWFS, Native Pollinator Plants for Container Gardens

As part of his “Growing Wisdom” series Dave Epstein did a few episodes at New England Wild Flower Society’s Garden in the Woods.   Here’s the second of three:

Three cheers for butterfly milkweed and mountain mint!

PS  Garden in the Woods has a nice garden shop.  You can probably obtain all three species mentioned in season.  If you can’t, and you’re willing to do mail order, then I recommend Tripple Brook Farm.   I’ve gotten a fair number of plants in our garden from them.  Their prices are very reasonable and everything we’ve gotten from them has been very healthy.   (You can stop in as well as do mail order.  Once upon a time pre-kids my wife and I rented a van and drove out to pick up a 12′ sassafras tree.  One of the owners was kind enough to give us brief tour of the grounds.  They’ve got a nice set up.)